Saturday, 14 December 2013

Two of my logo designs made from direct gyotaku prints and some of my photos are featured on the CACHE ITN website. CACHE ITN is a science programme concerning shell production for shellfish farming and biotech in a changing world.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

As part of the project "Réplica", Reflexão sobre Gravura Contemporâneo, held in the Algarve, Portugal, there is an exhibition of art work by the artists in residence of the OBS, Oficina Bartolomeu dos Santos. Plus works donated by the founder members.

26 July - 10 August 2013. Casa das Artes de Tavira, R. João Vaz Corte Real, 96, Tavira. 21h30 - 00h30 

Thursday, 23 May 2013

The ARTE ALGARVE OPEN VII exhibition at the Arte Algarve Gallery, Única Adega Cooperativa, Lagoa, Portugal continues until the 6 June, 2013.

Monday, 29 April 2013

Weebly, Wobbly, Website

I have started to make a website using
At the moment it needs a lot more added to it and a lot more work.
Please take a look at what's there so far.

Friday, 8 March 2013

Arte Algarve Open VII

Arte Algarve Open VII, Única Adega Cooperativa do Algarve, Lagoa, Algarve, Portugal.

Opening Saturday 9 March until Sunday 11 May, 2013

Title: Tako
Medium: Direct gyotaku collaged onto canvas, Japanese book pages, acrylic, mica pigments 
Dimensions: (height X width) 50 X 50 cm
Edition: Unique
Date of Production: 2013